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All the words and phrases below are ones that have fallen out of use. They are mainly from the 19th century and taken from The English Dialect Dictionary by Joseph Wright. This comes in a few volumes and is quite rare now. So if you find a volume, pounce like a language ninja!

Dead Words

AblinsAcliteAfflufe Aizam-Jazam Alligoshee
Anery Badger's Band Betwattled Betwit Blish-Blash
Bob Jolly Boonzy Cag-Mag Callifudge Call Home
Camstroudgeous Carle Cleverable Criftens Crikey
FJ Hodycoloony Hots Tacky-Lacky Tadago-Pie
Tafferty Taghairm Tallydiddle Tantoozle Tappy-Tousie
Tarset Teelytoon Teen Telly-Pie-Tit Thanksomely
Thinkingly Pay Beverage Urf Ye